
Go to /example/index.html, in the navigation bar you can select between shape, theme, size. Play with them until you find your desired button


1.Select Shape

2.Select Theme

3.Select Size

4.Click on the button wanted

5.A popup was fired up with a preview of the button selected and the html code. All you have to do is to copy that code and to paste it in your place.

Test it by your own:

<a href="#" class="eli-link"><span class="eli eli-icon-facebook eli-square-colodore eli-extra-small"></span></a>  
<a href="#" class="eli-link"><span class="eli eli-icon-facebook eli-square-colodore eli-small"></span></a>  
<a href="#" class="eli-link"><span class="eli eli-icon-facebook eli-square-colodore eli-medium"></span></a>  
<a href="#" class="eli-link"><span class="eli eli-icon-facebook eli-square-colodore eli-large"></span></a>  
<a href="#" class="eli-link"><span class="eli eli-icon-facebook eli-square-colodore eli-extra-large"></span></a>

The output will be:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""